How to create a private event

There are two ways how you can restrict access to your event for people who are not invited - PIN code or Allowlist. The restriction applies to mobile and web app, not event landing page. You can use either PIN or Allowlist, never both.

PIN code

  • locks your event with a 4-digit code
  • everyone with the right PIN can access your event

Activate it in your administration Settings → Features → PIN code. You can either use the automatically generated PIN code or insert your own code. 

Don't forget to share the PIN code with your audience!


  • locks your event based on a list
  • everyone listed on your Allowlist can access your event

Allowlist is a feature that gives access only to those people who were invited through your administration (manually added or imported). 

Activating the Allowlist is easy. You will find this feature within the section Users, where you manage all invitations. Once you check the little square "Apply allowlist" next to the purple button +Invite, everyone who is listed below will have access to your event.

You can also turn the feature on in your administration Settings → Features → Allowlist, just like the PIN code. If you activate it in Settings, the square will be checked automatically.

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