How to filter session topics (iOS)

Are you interested in certain topics only but there are so many sessions in the program it overwhelms you? No problem! If your event uses the Tracks feature, you can easily filter sessions to find the ones you are most likely to be interested in.

Step 1: Open tracks filter

If your event supports tracks filtering, you should see the filter button in the upper right corner of the Program screen.

Step 2: Filter your sessions 

By default, all tracks are selected, to deselect the ones you’re not interested in, click on them.

Deselected tracks will turn transparent (buttons without fill color).

Step 3: Check the sessions related to your selected topics

Now that you filtered out topics you're not interested in, you can see the sessions that match your taste highlighted. Sessions of the hidden tracks will be semi-transparent.

Note: You can open both selected and un-selected sessions, the only thing that’s changed is their design.

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