How to cancel subscription

Do you wish to cancel your subscription? We are sorry to hear that!

It is super simple and you can do it in no time, so no worries. Here is how:

  1. Login as the owner of the subscription.
  2. Go to the company overview page. You can either use this link, or you can navigate there through the administration:

  1. Now, you should see a page with all your events. Click on the green "Settings" button next to your company name.

Can't see the settings button? That means you are not listed as the owner of the company. You can find out who the owner is inside the event administration, in the "Users" tab.

  1. Now select the tab "Plan & Subscription", and click on the red button "Cancel Subscription". You can still access your events until your ongoing subscription period expires.

  1. And all done. Shortly after you cancel the subscription, you should also receive a confirmation email from us.

That's all from us, and we hope to see you again!

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