How to add tracks to your sessions

The easiest way how to navigate your attendees through your agenda is to take advantage of the possibility to add tracks to each of your sessions. Through tracks you can divide sessions into topics and provide a clear view of your agenda. This feature is very helpful, especially for schedules that are more complex. Attendees can easily filter and follow the tracks they are interested in. 

To be able to add tracks to your sessions, you need to turn them on in tab Settings FeaturesThere are two ways to create tracks for your sessions:

1. Right after you turn on the feature, a button Manage will show up. This button opens a window where you can create your tracks. Firstly, you need to write the name of your track. The track name could be basically anything, as long as it represents the group of your common sessions (e.g. at a design event you can have sessions dedicated to different design types like product design, fashion design, web design etc.). After you click on the button Create, you will be able to select the track color as well.

Created tracks will be visible as follows:

Now you have your tracks ready to be assigned to sessions in your agenda.

2. You don't necessarily need to go to  Settings to create tracks. You can also create and assign tracks while you create your content. However, make sure that you have the feature turned on in Settings. Without turning it on, you won't be able to see the section Tracks in the session detail.

When you click on Add track, you can either choose from the tracks you have already created or create a new one by clicking on the button Manage. 

How does it look like from the attendee's view?

As already mentioned, your attendees can filter the tracks. In the app, attendees can see the button in the right upper corner. By clicking on it, a list of all the tracks will show up. Here they can simply choose multiple tracks they want to follow.

The sessions related to this topic will be now highlighted in the agenda.

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