How to invite users
In the tab Users, you see four sections: All, Admins, Moderators, and Attendees. In each of the sections, you find the purple button + Invite, through which you can easily invite new users by providing their email addresses.
Invited users will receive an email invitation from Eventee. Admin and Moderator invitations are instant, Attendee invitations will be sent after your event is public.
The users have different color labels based on their roles. Learn more about the user roles and their access permissions.
How to invite new users
- Click on + Invite
- If you accessed the invitation box through the section All, choose what role the new user should have (Attendee, Moderator, Admin), otherwise, the role is selected automatically
- Insert the email address of the user you would like to invite
- Click on the button Invite Admin/Moderator/Attendee, a summary box will pop up
- Click again to confirm
How to insert the email addresses? There are three options:
- Upload or drag&drop a file in a .txt, .tsv, or .csv format
- Type or copy the address to the list of emails (if you would like to add more users at a time, add each email address in one single row)
- Integrate a ticketing system and synchronize the data (attendees only)
Track the invitation status
Besides the role labels, you can also observe the status of the invitation.
- Imported - An attendee who was imported manually by you or from ticketing platforms. As soon as the invitation will be sent, the label will change to Pending
- Pending - A user who has been invited to use the app and has not accepted the invitation yet
Attendee Invitation
When you publish your event, we will automatically invite all the imported attendees to your event.
Currently, it is not possible to customize the email invitations. However, this feature is on our features list, and will eventually be delivered. Check our roadmap.
What does the invitation email look like?
Note: The invitation link expires 7 days after it has been first opened. After that, the invitation will no longer login the attendee and automatically redirect them to your event.
The Magic link is hidden in the button "Join Event" which is unique for each individual event.
Web app or mobile app
- If your attendees open the invitation email and join the event on a computer, they will be directed straight to your event in the Eventee web app.
- If they open the invitation email and join the event on their mobile phones, they will be directed to App Store or Google Play to download the Eventee mobile app. After downloading and registration, they will get right into your event. If they already have the Eventee app downloaded, the button "Join Event" will open your event right away.
Remember that the more encouragement the attendees will receive from you, the higher the download rate is going to be. We also wrote a special article about this topic, feel free to read through How to boost the usage of Eventee at your event. 🙂
You can also use the QR code yourself (on social networks, at the vendor, etc.) to give your attendees quick access to your event. You will find it in the tab Dashboard.
And one last thing, we created an attendee guides for each platform: web app, iOS, Android. Don't forget to check them out!